4827CAOceanside$640,862sale pendingAccounting & Tax Brokerage

$750,000 - CPA firm for sale in Oceanside, CA. ref# OSD124. The Seller currently operates the firm remotely and believes a Buyer will be able to work in a similar fashion once they are familiar with the staff, clients and operations. However, the firm must retain a physical office space in the Oceanside/Carlsbad region for the clients and staff. In 2023, the Seller tracked 701 billable hours and 297 admin hours and only a handful of visits to the physical office this past tax season. The gross revenue of $641k is derived from 159 Individuals with an average fee of $1,267, plus 75 Entities with an average fee of $4,086, along with $38k for bookkeeping and payroll services and $95k in additional services provided (see breakdown and more info on practice profile). Approximately 44% of clients drop off their documents, while 32% remit everything electronically, 15% mail-in, and the remaining 9% come in for an appointment. With the exception of the 20-30 clients that come in for face-to-face appointments, most client interaction is handled via phone, email and the occasional video call. In addition to the CPA Seller, the practice employs 1 full-time and 3 part-time employees. The full-time and 2 of the part-time employees are exceptional, critical, and willing to stay after the sale (more info for staff provided on the practice profile). The practice uses Lacerte for tax preparation as well as QuickBooks, QB Payroll, Intuit Payroll, and Timeslips. The Seller is looking to slow down in anticipation of retirement and therefore requires an experienced CPA with strong technical abilities, particularly with 1065 and 1041 returns and to some extent, 1120S returns. Much more information is available on the Practice Profile. Please complete the Buyer Profile and NDA on our website at and the Practice Profile will be available for download immediately after submission. ATB, Inc. CA DRE 02002824

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