PENNSYLVANIA : Accounting Practices for Sale in PENNSYLVANIA | CPA Firms for Sale in PENNSYLVANIA

5033PAPhiladelphia (Bucks County)$520,000availableABA Advisors, LLC
5008PALower Makefield Area$238,000on holdNational Accounting Sales
4985PAWestern Pennsylvania$615,000availableABA Advisors, LLC
4907PAReading Area$170,000on holdNational Accounting Sales
4906PANorth Central Montgomery Cty$365,000availableNational Accounting Sales
4901PALower Makefield Area$535,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4899PAVirtual$900,000on holdABA Advisors, LLC
4895PAChester County$528,534availableNew Clients Inc.
4830PAYork City$835,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
4754PAPhiladelphia $766,000expiredThrive Financial Group, LLC
4661PAScranton Area$538,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4620PACentral Bucks County$350,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4612PABerks County$609,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4602PABucks County$535,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4595PABucks County, PA$300,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4528PAChester County$502,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4515PAEastern Suburbs of Pittsburgh$725,000expiredBroker (Undisclosed)
4507PARte 80 Corridor NE$1,500,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4463PABerks County$195,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4345PAScranton Area$380,000soldNational Accounting Sales
4344PASouthern Montgomery County$129,000soldNational Accounting Sales
4293PAPlymouth Mtg/ Conshohocken $332,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
4113PABerks/Schuylkill Counties$250,000soldNational Accounting Sales
4043PA EastMontco/ NE Phil Border$410,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3979PANortheast, PA$1,600,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3977PABucks Montgonery County Area$94,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3909PASouth Hills of Pittsburgh$100,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
3806PABucks County$810,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3804PADelaware County$456,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3803PABucks County$475,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3802PAPhiladelphia Area$900,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3801PAUpper Montgomery County$150,000soldNational Accounting Sales
3632PAEastern Montgomery County$770,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3631PALehigh County$250,000expiredNational Accounting Sales
3629PANorthampton County Area$489,000soldNational Accounting Sales
2608PABucks County$770,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
2329PAPoconos, PA$155,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
2301PAEastern Montco, PA$595,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
2297PAHarrisburg PA$818,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
1808PASoutheastern PA$400,000soldPrivate Sale
1716PANortheast$175,000soldPrivate Sale
1684PAPittsburgh Tax & Bookkeeping $113,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
1096PANorthwest PA$323,832soldPrivate Sale

PENNSYLVANIA Accounting Brokers

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