NORTH CAROLINA : Accounting Practices for Sale in NORTH CAROLINA | CPA Firms for Sale in NORTH CAROLINA

5037NCStatewide - Multi-Office$15,700,000availablePracticePlan Advisors
5030NCNorth of Durham$1,334,161availablePoe Group Advisors
5024NCCharlotte Metro Area$498,273availablePoe Group Advisors
5019NCGreensboro$469,501availablePoe Group Advisors
5001NCVirtual Firm$1,100,000sale pendingPoe Group Advisors
4965NCRaleigh$1,300,000availablePoe Group Advisors
4918NCFayetteville$534,466soldPoe Group Advisors
4916NCChapel Hill$113,368soldPoe Group Advisors
4903NCNorth Carolina Outer Banks$425,000availableABA Advisors, LLC
4791NCWilmington$2,500,000soldBroker (Undisclosed)
4714NCNorth Carolina$200,000expiredPoe Group Advisors
4708NCNorth Carolina$1,600,000soldPoe Group Advisors
4545NCNC Coastal area$800,000availableProfessional Accounting Sales
4544NCRaleigh, NC$1,500,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
4179NCCharlotte, NC Metro area$200,000soldABA Advisors, LLC
4019NCNW Charlotte Area$110,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
3989NCCharlotte$2,320,000expiredPracticePlan Advisors
3986NCSouthwest Greensboro$982,000expiredPracticePlan Advisors
3981NCNorth Greensboro$720,000expiredPracticePlan Advisors
3831NCCharlotte$60,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
3708NCRaleigh Area$110,000soldAccounting Biz Brokers
3474NCAsheville$90,000expiredVan Daughtry Consulting, LLC
2465NCHickory area$185,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
2238NCRaleigh-Cary area$325,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
1806NCGreensboro, NC area$135,000soldProfessional Accounting Sales
0912NCCharlotte$170,000soldPrivate Sale

NORTH CAROLINA Accounting Brokers

The Accounting Practice Exchange has no stake in the sale of businesses listed on the site and has NOT verified any of the information contained in these listings. We make every effort to ensure that the details of CPA firms for sale in NORTH CAROLINA are kept up to date but can offer no guarantee of the listings current sales status. If you are interested in accounting practices for sale in NORTH CAROLINA then please sign up for our free email alert service. Our objective is to provide the most complete and up to date list of accounting practices for sale in NORTH CAROLINA. If you are interested in advertising the sale of your accounting practice then please create an account on our site. If you are a buyer interested in CPA firms for sale in NORTH CAROLINA then you should consider placing a free 'WANTED' advertisement on our site. Accounting Practice Exchange - the definitive source of accounting practices for sale in NORTH CAROLINA and CPA firms for sale in NORTH CAROLINA as well as across the United States.

